K&N’s as we know it is the pioneer and leading brand in frozen foods in Pakistan, providing us with authentic halal chicken throughout decades. Who knew that a small start up the 60s by a college student- Khalil Sattar will be such a massive hit that it will make us known to the newer foods and new tastes in the coming years.
But now we see K&N’s everywhere, in fact, paving the way for a healthier and nourished Pakistan as they say “K&N’s- Safe and Healthy Chicken”. We all know the alarming situation of the diseases our farm animals are getting due to the negligence of caretakers also scarcity and unawareness of vaccination programs for immunization for certain diseases. So, in this situation K&N’s comes in the market to set the things right with their “Safe and Healthy Chicken”, this gave the consumers some peace of mind that there is finally a reliable source of poultry from which they can get the healthy protein diet which has the proper balanced nutritional value that is ideal for human consumption.