Estimated reading: 1 minute 26 views
Prerequisites for Pre-Installation
Before proceeding with the installation, make sure your system meets the following requirements:
  1. A Windows 10 operating system installed (Note that Flutter can also work on Windows 7 SP1 and later versions).
  2. Ensure you have at least 1.65 GB of free disk space available. Additional storage may be required for other tools and integrated development environments (IDEs) if they are not already installed.
  3. Windows Powershell 5.0 or a newer version should be installed on your system.
  4. Git for Windows, version 2.0 or newer, is optional but recommended.
  5. Android Studio must be installed on your computer.
  6. Visual Studio 2022 with C++ is optional but can be useful for certain development tasks.
Android Studio Installation(Windows)

Android Studio Installation(Mac)

Flutter Installation on Windows

Flutter Installation on Mac

If you have updated your Mac to Catalina from Mojavi or an earlier version then you may fetch some issues. Please follow the video below to fix it.

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