

Comprehensive overview

Efficiently displays all data, information and tasks that are relevant and needed.

User friendly

Designed to give the users ease of access and to complete tasks with minimal clicking.


A handy drag and drop tool allows you to organize your dashboard the way you like.

Multiple payment gateways

Like Paypal, Skrill, PerfectMoney, EasyPaisa, JazzCash

Point of Sale

Easy to use

Designed to give the users ease of access and to complete transactions with minimal clicking.

Barcode scanner

Use barcode scanner to speed up check out process

Receipt generation

Quickly print out receipts and personalize them to your taste


Sell list

Use the filtered search to find and print single or multiple sale records

Return list

Use the filtered search to find all returned items

Sell log

Use the filtered search to browse through all sell logs

Gift cards

Issue and top up gift cards for your customers


Add quotation

Add quotations with all relevant details

Quotation list

Use the filtered search to find and print single or multiple quotations


Add purchase

Add quotations with all relevant details

Purchase list

Use the filtered search to find all past purchases

Due invoice

Use the filtered search to find and print due invoices

Return list

Use the filtered search to find all purchase returns

Stock Transfer

Add transfer

Record transfers of stocks from one store to another with all relevant data

Transfer list

Use the filtered search to find all past stock transfers

Receive list

Use the filtered search to find all received stock transfers


Product list

Use the filtered search to find all past purchases

Add product

Add quotations with all relevant details

Barcode print

Generate and print barcodes for all products in your store

Category list

Use the filtered search to browse all product categories

Add category

Add product categories with all relevant details

Import (.xls)

Use the migrations service to import all product details from other solutions

Stock Alert

Review all stock alerts to keep up on inventory


Add customer

Add customer details and create customer profiles

Customer list

Use the filtered search to find all customer profiles


Add supplier

Add customer details and create supplier profiles

Supplier list

Use the filtered search to find all supplier profiles



Record all cash deposits


Record all cash withdrawals

Transaction list

Use the filtered search to view all past transactions

Add bank account

Add all your current bank accounts with all relevant details

Bank account list

Use the filtered search to view all bank accounts

Income source

Add new income sources with all relevant details

Balance sheet

Generate and print your shop’s balance sheets

Income and Expense

View and print a monthly income and expense report

Income vs Expense

Review all your expenses against your incomes

Profit vs loss

Review all profits vs losses by generating a profit/loss statement


Review and print your daily cashbook details


Add expense

Record all your expenses with relevant details

Expense list

RUse the filtered search to view all your expenses

Add category

Create different categories for all kinds of expenses

Category list

Use the filtered search to view all expense categories

Expenses (monthly)

Generate a monthly expenses list


Generate a summarized expense report for a defined period of time


Overview report

Generate and print your purchase and sale overview reports

Collection/Due collection/Due paid report

Generate and print your collection, due collection and due paid reports

Sale/Purchase report

Generate and print your sale and purchase reports

Sale/Purchase payment report

Generate and print your sale and purchase payment reports

Sale/Purchase tax report

Generate and print your sales tax and tax overview reports

Tax overview report

Generate and print your tax overview reports

Stock report

Generate and print your stock reports


Gain insights from powerful analytic

Track product and brand popularity and performance

Review the services of your suppliers


Send SMS

Use integrated SMS services to send texts

SMS report

Generate and print SMS reports

SMS settings

Add SMS services provider details to activate services with ease


Add user

Add users with all relevant details

User list

Use the filtered search to view all current users

Add user group

Create user groups to better define different users

User group list

Use the filtered search to view all current user groups


Set a new password for your POS



Create, view and update all stores and their details

Receipt template

Personalize your receipts as per preference


Add brands and edit your brand list


Set your currency as required

Payment methods

Add new methods of payments for your customers


Add new units with relevant details

Tax rate

Set the tax rate on all products as relevant


Set language as per preference


Safely secure all your data and restore your POS

Switch stores

Switch between your stores and conduct business